Tuesday, September 09, 2008

A Comprehensive Guide to Posting a Comment

So, we have received many comments from people wondering how to post a comment on our blog. I have tested it with no problems, but I think it might just be confusing for people, so I've decided to post step-by-step instructions with handy pictures. I hope someone will try it out and let me know if they're successful:

Step 1: Select the title of the blog entry you want to comment on

Step 2:
Scroll down to the bottom of the blog entry and select post a comment:

Step 3:
Type your comment in the space provided. Select the Name/URL option and type your name (we want to know who you are):

Step 4:

Congratulations, you have joined the blogosphere! If you are still having trouble, check out this link for some additional instructions.


Anonymous said...

Howdy, both/all,

Thanks very much for this; here's my test run...if it works, then I'll be back to post something of substance (assuming I am capable of same, natch). love, SF

Craig and Leah said...

It worked! You are officially the first reply we have had. Spread the word.

Thanks again for checking back.

Anonymous said...

Such a big step; I'd no idea that every aspect of one's life would shift becoming a parent--thought in fact that I had a pretty good idea of what was to come, since I'd been a "gypsy uncle" for so many years, so many youngsters. Already a huge dimensional shift to step into an existing mother-daughter(-cat)relationship, and with mixed success; then, the next level, but a geometrically more complex, more life-altering jump was to come with the birth of Aurelia. Perhaps in the buildup, the time for physical and emotional, even spiritual musings and preparations, the body and the body's energies of the mother and developing baby and by extension the father, entwined, does open much within and force much in the surrounds, in preparation. Hence, with an adoption, care perhaps should be given, as it seems the case for you two, to include time for examining the sharing of one's intimate space, one's priorities, the essential acts of primary care, and the balance between overload and recharging--no mean task with work, family obligations, health concerns and our many self- or couple-centric habits...where is this new being? He or she believes, smack center of the universe, and the demands are enormous, while the resources dwindle almost immediately (depending upon age, natch), with sleep-deprivation, additional duties, whole new areas of concern. I am confident you are up to all this, hermano y hermana, but seachange is comin' so I do hope you like the taste of salt!